Aug 25, 2011

Shell script to backup a Mysql database and save it on a remote server using Ftp

The following shell script will dump the mysql database and will save the .sql file on a remote location using Ftp. This script will create a backup file including the current date so you can have multiple copies of the backups of the same database under one directory.
Create a file called
# vi /root/
and paste the following code in the file as it is.
##############START OF THE SCRIPT##############
# Specify the temporary backup directory
# Database Name
# store the current date
date=`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`
# Specify Ftp details
# Dump the mysql database with the current date and compress it.
#Save the mysql password in a file and specify the path below
/usr/bin/mysqldump -uroot -p`cat /path/to/passfile` $dbname | gzip > $BKUPDIR/$date.$dbname.sql.gz
# Change directory to the backup directory
# Upload the backup
ftp -n $ftpserver <<!EOF!
user $ftpuser $ftppass
mput *.sql.gz
# Remove the local backup file
/bin/rm -f /$BKUPDIR/$date.$dbname.sql.gz
##############END OF THE SCRIPT##############
Save the file and schedule a cronjob to execute the file on daily basis, say during night hours at 1.00AM. Edit the cron file
# crontab -e
and set the following cronjob
0  1  *  *  *  /bin/sh /root/
save the file and restart the crond service
# service crond service
The script will work on a Linux/Plesk server as well. You just have to replace the mysqldump line in the script with the following
/usr/bin/mysqldump -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` $dbname | gzip > $BKUPDIR/$date.$dbname.sql.gz
Make sure you assign the db_name, ftpserver/user/pass values properly at the start of the script.
Note: Leave a comment if you have any suggestions, questions OR have received any error message using this script.

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