Aug 25, 2011

Howto install a PHP FileInfo module in Linux?

The steps to install the PHP ‘Fileinfo’ module on a Linux server is as below:
1) Download and untar the package
# wget
# tar -zxf Fileinfo-1.0.4.tgz
# cd Fileinfo-1.0.4
2) Generate the extension for compiling
# phpize
3) Configure the module
# ./configure
4) generate the install files and install it
# make
# make install
5) Once done, the extension will be available under the /usr/lib64/php/modules directory.
You now need to add the extension somewhere in the php configuration file. Edit /etc/php.ini and add the following:
6) Save the file and restart the webserver
# service httpd restart
To check if “fileinfo” is enabled on the server, execute:
# php -i | grep fileinfo
fileinfo support => enabled
Alternate method
Just an FYI, the module can also be installed using the PECL command i.e.
# pecl install fileinfo
Once done, just follow steps 5 and 6 mentioned above. That’s it.

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