Jul 18, 2011

How to create a new vps or virtual server in openvz using vzctl

Here is the steps.

First go to the following directory which has the templates.
cd /vz/template/cache/

Now create the vps with VEID 10 with template for debian 64  bit ( you can choose the one you want )
vzctl create 10 --ostemplate debian-5.0-x86_64

Enabling onboot
vzctl set 10 --onboot yes --save

Adding the default ip
vzctl set 10 --ipadd IP_ADDRESS --save

Setting name servers
vzctl set 10 --nameserver --save
vzctl set 10 --nameserver --save

Setting the diskspace. Here 50Gb
vzctl set 10 --diskspace 50G --save

Setting the RAM and Bust RAM
vzctl set 10 --vmguarpages 4G:8G --save

Starting vps
vzctl start 10

Setting password for the root user of the vps
vzctl exec 10 passwd

Logging in
vzctl enter 10

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