Aug 25, 2011

Error: Unable to create the domain because a DNS record exists

Error message “Error: Unable to create the domain because a DNS record pointing to the host already exists.”
The error message is displayed when you add a domain from Plesk control panel and it fails. The reason it fails is because the DNS records of the domain already exist in the psa database. The tables dns_recs and dns_zone holds the DNS records for a domain.
In order to add the domain, you will have to remove the DNS entries from the tables dns_recs and dns_zone.
1) Goto Mysql prompt:
root@host [~]# mysql -uadmin -p `cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow`
2) Use the psa database
mysql>  use psa;
3) Remove the DNS entries from the dns_recs and dns_zone tables:
mysql> delete from dns_recs where dns_zone_id=10;
mysql> delete from dns_zone where id=10;
where, 10 is the dns_zone_id of the domain
4) Restart the mysql service:
root@host [~]# service mysqld restart
You should now be able to add the domain from Plesk control panel successfully.

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